3rd Sunday Techno Day


3rd Sunday Techno Day

  • 3rd Sunday Techno Day

    Meeting gif prepared by Burcu Kızılyurt.



    We talked to the project teachers from Whatsapp group that it would be very nice to know each other, our countries and our schools.

    We decided that students should make the presentations and take an active role in the event.

    Since country and school presentations can take too long, we decided to complete this week with only school presentation.

    We organized this event mostly to introduce each other and our schools.

    The event's name is  "3rd Sunday Techno Day"


    Presentations of Schools, Cities, Countries.




    In the announcements section, we announced the day and time of our event with a poster prepared by Ayşe Taşkın.


    We chose the school ranking with the wheel prepared by Ayşe Taşkın.


    The videos, pictures and presentations prepared by the students attracted a lot of attention. School environments and cultures of different countries have been very useful in terms of getting to know each other and getting to know each other. 




    We played the game while the school introductions.
    Kahoot plays prepared by Polyxeni Margaritou, Edita Klobučar and Burcu Kızılyurt were played.
    The games consisted of questions about technology developments, technology addiction, and the schools and countries in our project.
    It was necessary to be quick and to answer the questions correctly. Our students and teachers actively participated in the games. We had a lot of fun times.

    (prepared by A.Aksu Anatolian High School Students-İstanbul)



    Our student Noor O. (Batman Turgut Özal Girls Anatolian High School) had her friends prepare a word cloud with the Menti web 2.0 tool.